You may have completed several Codecademy courses but still, need to figure out where to […]
Introduction to RESTful Web Services
REST is a set of architectural principles that can be used to design Web services […]
HTTP server push using WebSocket or SSE
HTTP server push, also known as HTTP streaming, is a client/server communication method that transmits […]
The Rust programming language is worth learning
A recent Stack Overflow survey revealed that many developers love Rust and want to continue using it. […]
Swagger can be used to define and document RESTful APIs
Although most web applications support RESTful APIs, unlike SOAP APIs, REST APIs rely on HTTP. […]
Future of responsive design
What comes to your mind when you think about responsive design? Is it mobile devices […]
ESLint allows you to auto-fix and format JavaScript
ESLint has the best JavaScript program analysis tools. ESLint can check for style violations and potential […]
Rust for Node.js developers
You are a JavaScript or Node.js developer, and you’re interested in Rust programming. But I […]
Web Assembly: Why Use It
Have your team or you have ever been in a situation where developer productivity and […]
Accessibility for web GUI developers
You may be a web developer creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for your applications. If […]